My Dear...!!!
I have been trying to think of writing something for u,but don't understand wt to write in this . I don't want to say fancy words just to impress u . So i simply tell u everything u make me feel . Every morning that i wake up , i don't wish to see the sun. I wish to see Ur MSG in my phone, every night when i sleep , i hope to dreams about u , because u r the most beautiful dream , i have ever had.
I don't know what is love but i 'm sure it cannot be better than this.

I m not able to write anything but i am keep writing. I m not a rich man so i cn't promise u ,that i keep loving u until loves runs out on the earth .i promise to stay besides u when everyone leaves , i promise to hold your hand even when we grow old . I promise to lv u always even when u stop.
People promise to die for each othe but i promise to live fr u everyday that i live i ll fight death.
I dn't know if i ll die and go to heaven but until i m wt u everywhere i m will be like heaven for me last i hv writing a small poem for u its not that good but still. . . . . .
 U r the sweetest dream i hv ever had,
the only one who has never made me sad ,
i knw i"m stupid nd a little bad ,
but my love , u r the only one i hv ever had ...!!!


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